Question to CM for Adult and Community Services
Questions at any time to the Cabinet Member for Adult and Community Services from June 2015
For questions pre-June 2015 please contact Democratic Services at Newport City Council
Member Question: Councillor Fouweather
Subject: Support for People with Dementia
1. What is being done to support people with dementia?
2. Has there been an increase in the number of residential care beds?
3. Why is the measure still amber in the annual review of the Improvement Plan?
Date received: 9 September 2015
Response: 1. People living with dementia and their families are supported in a number of ways. We have a specialist day centre, based at Spring Gardens (our specialist residential home offering dementia care) where up to 19 people are supported each day in a variety of activities allowing a period of respite for their carers too. There are regular referrals to the day centre though it continues to have vacancies; Spring Gardens has two respite places for short term residential stays. Alzheimer’s Disease Society run various support services for people with dementia and their families as well as a specialist café.
Newport has been accredited by Alzheimer’s Society as dementia friendly community. Since the launch in June a dementia action alliance has been established and plan is in place to raise awareness about the disease with key organisations and businesses within the city including Queensbury. Over 740 people have been trained as dementia friends, a directory of community services for people with dementia is close to completion and a web page has gone live.
2. In short yes. Latest figures demonstrate that there has been a significant increase of both residential and nursing home places for people with dementia in the city. Over five years from 2009, the number of in residential homes for people with dementia increased by around 50% to 125; in nursing homes the numbers increased by almost 300% to 133. Scrutiny are undertaking a task and finish review looking at the future use of the council’s three residential homes – increasing the number of places for people with dementia will be an issue that will be considered.
3. The measure is amber because of concerns about the impact of third party top ups which restricts peoples’ choice of home e.g. A person may not be able to afford the home of their choice, and because of the current legal challenge highlighted in the plan that may impact on independent providers willingness to develop further provision or indeed remain within the care home sector.
Date issued: 18 September 2015